Welcome to Weekend Designer!

This pattern-drafting blog is meant to show anyone that it is not difficult to fabricate fashionable clothing, accessories, and soft home furnishings.

All designs shown on this site are samples culled from the world of fashion and design. In no way am I claiming that they are my own creations but use them as examples of what you can do yourself. Most of the tutorials illustrate basic concepts in pattern-drafting or are patternless designs.

In all cases whenever possible, credit is given to the original work and creator. I do not have any affiliation with the designers and do not have access to their original patterns or production methods.

All tutorials are presented solely for personal use and commercial use is prohibited.



164 Responses to “About”

  1. lizzie Says:

    i enjoy your site it s awesome!!! i hope you keep on making it ever more brillant than it is….

    from Argentina

  2. Alice Quint Says:

    Wonderful. Thank you so much for putting this information on line.

  3. Emma Says:

    I just stumbled on your blog looking for something completely different, and it’s fantastic! I’m really glad I found this, and can’t wait to give some of these patterns a go…

  4. elizabeth Says:

    I accidentally found your blog. When I look into the contents, wow, that’s very nice of you giving so much info.

    Too bad I don’t know how to make clothes…..I wish I know how to make clothes….it’s rather frustrating that I cannot find anything fit me….

  5. Heather Says:

    My daughter is a wrestler and wanted a skirt made so I put in skirt style in images and up came exactly what she was wanting – thanks – your website is great.

  6. I hope you haven’t given up on your blog! So much helpful information. Thank you!

  7. Portland, OR Says:

    Thanks for breaking things down step by step. This site is a great help as I try to teach myself to sew and create my own patterns. You are much appreciated!

  8. Seattle Gal Says:

    More! More!

    Thankyou! Thankyou!

  9. Diana Cirne Says:

    Hi! I love your blog! You share always so good and easy ideas! Almost of your posts are in my “What to do” list, I found it and never stop reading, it’s so nice! Thank you for your generosity!

  10. sewiknittoo Says:

    Your site is amazing!!! I added you to my blog roll…keep up the awesome work, I can’t wait to try out the tutorials!

  11. oonaballoona Says:

    whenever i get stuck in a pattern and am afraid to go forward, i tell myself “it ain’t rocket science” and barrel ahead. which doesn’t always work for me. you blog, however, now THAT works!

  12. Nehmah Says:

    Thank you for this site. I am leaving your web address with friends with sewing machines who “can’t sew a button” and strongly suggesting that they give up the excuses and start sewing. As you say, “It ain’t rocket science!” Nehmah

  13. wkdesigner Says:

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Let me know what you’d like to see.

  14. sewiknittoo Says:

    hey i love your latest post…the skirt is just too cute…too many items are being added to my must sew list lol…would you by any chance have an idea on how to create the skirt at this link

  15. Mo (Scot in France) Says:


    I love this, you have some great ideas. Found a reference to your blog on The Sewing Forum, Uk, website.

    I would like to know more about YOU and how you came to start this and if you design only or actually make the items as well.

    A wee problem I have with your Blog is the following code showing above the photos, maybe you have a suggestion.


  16. wkdesigner Says:

    Thank you Mo for your kind words.

    I am a Canadian living in Toronto, Canada. I work in the clothing industry as a clothing designer, patternmaker and educator. I have been doing so for the past 30 years.

    I write this little blog as a hobby and to show others that it isn’t a difficult thing to sew and make your own fashions. I try to select many fashion designs that do not require a “patterndraft” or complex assembly. The designs depicted in the photos are not my own but current styles. I do design my own collection none the less.

    I cannot help you with the “code” above the photos as I do not know what it is. I suspect it is html code used by WordPress. They may be able to help you there as it is not visible on my end.

    Be creative and happy sewing.


  17. Toine Says:

    Hi Don,

    I just stumbled upon your blog while looking for a pattern for a knitted skirt. I have sewn for 50 years (since I was 9), which is why I am thrilled to have found your blog. Not only that, one can easily translate many of the instructions to making patterns for knit or crochet.

    Thanks you so much for all the work you put into this. I haven’t sewn for a while, but reading your blog makes me want to sew again. Your blog reminds me that we can indeed draw our own patterns and shouldn’t always take the easy way out by using existing patterns. Truly inspiring!

    Thank you, thank you!!

    Antoinetta in CT (originally from Holland)

  18. PrutsPrinses Says:

    Your blog is amazing 🙂
    Thank you for showing us all this, making it seem easy and encouraging us to do the same!

  19. Maree Says:

    Hi Don – thank you so much for sharing so much information with the rest of us. Your blog is brilliant.

  20. Janet Says:

    Thanks so much. I love you site. Just found it from a web site review at Patternreview dot com.

  21. Mercedes Says:

    I love your site! I stumbled on it today and am so excited to try some of the designs. I do have a question for you. I am wondering if we are allowed to sell finished products made from your instructions? I appreciate your sharing of knowledge.

  22. wkdesigner Says:

    Thx Mercedes for the kind words.

    My answer to your question is NO! The fashion designs presented are not for profit. I interprete them for private use by sewers to show that it isn’t a difficult skill to design clothing and home decor. Many of the styles are those we see on runways and retail catalogues. However, if you have an original idea that you want to produce for sale, I can certainly be hired to do the patterndrafting for you.

    In all instances, I give source credit to those designs I present on Weekend Designer.

  23. Jos (creaBH) Says:

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for this inspirational site!


  24. Tiffany Hallman Says:

    I just found your site and it is so amazing. I have always wanted to try something like this but have always been a bit afraid of it. I have been sewing for over 15 years so I need to try and your designs are so beautiful now I have to decide which one first. tiffany

  25. Patty Says:

    Awesome site…thank you SO much!!!

  26. Brenda (Alabama) Says:

    Just stumbled upon your website. What a wonderful way to share your gift. Thanks!!! I’ve always wanted to create by sight. You have certainly inspired me to give it a try. Please continue to inspire!!!

  27. Carina Says:

    Wow, your site is really amazing.
    I’ve been sewing for the past 25 years (since I was 12). Now I want to learn my girls (9 & 11 years)how to sew. Your site has been a great insparation for me and my girls.
    Keep up the good work !

  28. Jules Says:

    Another stumbler to your website!!! A quick look? LOL – I’ve been transfixed for the past hour and have only just scratched the surface. I can’t quite believe its for real. All this information and detail and pictures too? Thanks for lifting the veil surrounding pattern cutting…..I might even have a go…. So inspirational. Jules.

  29. lilio Says:

    hi! whats up with? i’ve been patiently waiting for an update and i have seen any yet?? whats happening here? are you too busy Please let your viewers know cause i totally look forward to your posts!! thanks in advance!!

  30. Agatha Says:

    I found your site looking for the design concept of perfect measuring using 1/6 ratio of Standard to custom fitting. Instead I discovered what I have really been looking for simple guides to creating my own patterns again. Thank you for this site and the unique patterns. I especially like the mobius.


  31. marichen Says:

    thank you so much.cant wait to start!!

  32. Fabmontreal Says:

    Thank God screwdrivers are not for you! Keep the great job!!!

  33. novy Says:

    your site is really really cool!! i just took sewing class to spend my spare time, and i found your site really helpful.. i like it alottt.. thanx for sharing .. wish you the best!!

  34. Sonja Says:

    Hey :),

    i just sewed the tunic for a friend of mine, only had to made minor adjustments, and i already learned so much from your site, so thank you so much !!

  35. Monica Says:

    Fantastics thanks wonderful page….. Congratulations !!!!

  36. WM Says:

    Love your website. I’m looking for a pattern for the Chinese dress / top, called Cheongsam or Qipao. Any suggestions for the pattern?

  37. HeidiFay Says:

    Thanks for this wonderful website! I love that there are some of the hot, new, trendy designs, but also some really basic things that are great to know!

  38. nmsusieq Says:

    This is the best sewing site I have seen. Thank you for being out there. I can’t believe such professional looking clothing patterns are here, free for the taking. Again, thanks

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thanks for the kind words … it is actually a patterndrafting webblog.

  39. Tracy Says:

    Yours is my new favorite website. So much information
    given so generously and explained so clearly.

    Thank you!

  40. blogcentre Says:

    Woow..really a flabulous blog..must say..uve done a lot of work and thats excellent..!!
    Have to say..Never saw a blog..this best..!!

  41. Hannah Says:

    Like one of the other commentators stumbled on to this site by accident, and what a find. It is wonderful to know that you are a Canadian–surprise I am too, living in what we call Lotusland. I recently have felt the urge to return to sewing and bought a Kenmore and love it. My daughter loved your sight and drooled over your fashions–thank you so much for your generosity. We are planning to leave BC for southern Ont. before the olympics for a couple of reasons. I sew and my daughter is an artist and a graphic novelist and believe the only practical place to be is the center of the Canadian universe. Sorry for trailing on, thanks again for your kindness.


  42. charlotte Says:

    do you get permission from these designers before you copy their work and publish these patterns?

    surely if you’ve worked in the industry for so long you’re aware of laws against outright copying.

  43. Halldora Says:

    Hi Weekend designer

    Can I contact you via email regarding one of the pattern?

    I just started sewing, you really are an inspiration.

  44. Rushi Says:

    Thank you sooo much. i think this is gonna b the burdastyle alternative with many free patterns of their being priced.

  45. Tetamalu Says:

    Don–what fun to discover your blog. I live in Amman, Jordan, and have sewn for too many years!! I love making my own clothes that are a personal statement and have done so for years. You have provided us with some wonderful lessons that even the beginner can make.

    I have also taken up machine embroidery and your ideas have given me ideas!

    Looking forward to keeping up with you

    Alma Lou

  46. ella Says:

    Hi Don,
    I have a question about one of your patterns, could you please
    contact me?

    warm regards,

  47. alison Says:

    what a fantastic resource. I’m a self-taught barely-competent sewer, who can barely make things from a pattern. so a key part in expanding my repetoire is to be able to make patterns for things I’d like to construct! thank you for making your pattern-making thought-process available.

  48. Chrisy Says:

    …magnificent site for the sewer…thank you…

  49. lovetoblog Says:

    i am just beginning to learn to sew….and this is one of the best web-sites if not the best for a person like to me to learn…i like the way u explain step by step with illustrations…it sure has inspied me to learn more about pattern drafting…keep up the good work….and thanks

  50. Renee Says:

    This website is great but how can I save the instructions into a folder on my computer to make the items later?

  51. alison Says:

    Hi Weekend Designer!
    I really admire what you’re doing with this site & would like to speak to you about possibly doing a project to be featured on our website. I hope to hear back from you soon & good work!

  52. teresa Says:

    I’m would love to make the first red dior dress with the upsweep of fabric to the necklace (Spring 2009) though with a cloth collar. I have no idea other than following your directions on how to draft. Any suggestions on how to get the fabric to do that without the bulk?

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      HI Teresa
      Sent me a .jpeg of the dior dress and I’ll see what I can do.

  53. jenny Says:

    hi weekend designer,
    i really like your 3 tiered skirt but am having a little trouble understanding how to cut the fabric.
    should i cut it just as the way you have shown it? or do you cut on the fold? because when i think about it in my head the tiers wouldnt fit around me. i havent cut it yet.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Hi Jenny
      Draw the draft as shown. You will cut 2 of each layer eg. 1 front and 1 back (3 pair total)
      It will add up to your waist measurement plus ease.

  54. jenni Says:

    Is there any way that you could post a pattern similar to the white solar maillot one piece swimsuit by Lenny? Its gorgeous but all sold out.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Hi Jenni, thanks for your suggestion; it is always appreciated. Swimwear patterns, due to the 4-way stretch of the fabrication, is rarely drafted by the traditional flat pattern method. Styles are achieve through draping on a live model or dressform. Sorry I can’t help with this one.

  55. Beth Says:

    Hi, Just found this site, what fun. Is it all right to print off the instructions for personal use. What wonderful ideas, can’t wait to get started.

  56. Maria Says:

    Hi, I found your website when I googled about skirt pattern. Thank you so much for sharing your interest and knowledge.Looking forward to your new latest pattern.

    Luv from Malaysia.

  57. Just wanted to say thank you. I’ve been sewing for a few years, and have used a pattern a few times. Most of the time, I just see and sew. This website is a wonderful tool! Thanks!

  58. Maria Hull Says:

    This is a great site! Thanks so much for sharing! What a wonderful thing to do!
    Just kind of fell over it.
    Thanks again!
    Upstate NY

  59. Suresh C Nair Says:

    You rock !!. I loved it.. Infact I came to see for a wrap and i was like stuck with your sight.. clear pics.. good illustration and everything needed 🙂 Me not a professional but someone who likes to see things believes he can do 🙂 infact it is very sad that I could not find the pattern for a wrap. as you have removed it as the author has objected it. Anyways nice visiting your website

  60. Lucy Says:

    Hi there, I love your blog, but am trying to sew the gorgeous halter gown for a wedding. I just can’t seem to make it make sense. Do you have any pictures or more info. I’m kind of new to sewing but have made about 6 dresses from patterns so should be able to work it out. Feeling a bit dim!
    I can cut it out and get to the sewing the organza to silk, but do you sew all 4 layers together? (2 silk and 2 orgamza) is it 4 layers thick? I get lost as to which point is the point of the halter. I seem to be making a hash of it. Really want to work it out as the fabric is gorgeous! Thanks so much!

  61. Erika Says:

    I’ve been drooling over this waist bag for the past year. It is a one of a kind, and I’m going to try to make it. I don’t know if you take requests. But, I’d LOVE some help with something like this. It seems pretty popular, lots of people looking for it, or wanting to make one similar.


    It is a one of a kind made with recycled leather. I’m practicing so I
    can get good enough to make one.

  62. Brunella Says:

    I love your blog. Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas and patterns. You seem to understand just what I want to sew. You inspire me to do more!

  63. m Says:

    Wow. This site is one of those rare gems that keeps me by the computer, continuing the search, even when I’m sooo sick of it.
    Can’t wait to show my non-sewing friends this place! You explain it so well!
    Keep up the good work!
    Greetings, cheers and hugs from Sweden.

  64. sondriecohe Says:

    Love this site, so many great patterns. Keep up the good work. I’ve recommended this site to all my forum and blog buddies.

  65. penny Says:


  66. candiedfabrics Says:

    Hi There!

    Just wanted to say thanks for the link love! I just did some hit analysis and you’re blog is #3 in referrals – 300 in the passt 9 months!


  67. Ty Says:

    You the best thing so far for me this year. Your method are simple to understand and fabulous, I havent seen anything as simple to understand than this and I am oggling to go start some of the projects. I am a beginner and I have searched for information far and wide, you are THE BOMB.Keep it up, I shall visit this site every day.

  68. Evilannie Says:


    Ive just randomly stumbled accross your website. Massive thanks for being so generous with your techniques and designs. I cant wait to try them out! ive not seen anything like this anywhere else – your designes are so beautiful, and the explanations are fabulous!

    I will be visiting lots! please keep it up – ive linked you from my blog too so others can experience the greatness 🙂


  69. Penny Gesualdi Says:

    Could someone please Help me?! I am making this (link below) dress for my daughter for
    May 8, 2009. I can’t figure out the ruching technique. Could someone please give me suggestions? There has to be a trick that I am missing.
    The site for a pic of the dress is: http://x17online.com/celebrities/anne_hathaway/anne_hathaway_continues_to_wow_in_venice-09042008.php
    You can email me @ specialdresss@msn.com
    Thanks for any and all suggestions!

  70. Sara Cormeny Says:

    Aren’t you fantastic, I love both the mission and the execution of this blog. Kudos. I’m so glad that Burda Style pointed it out.

  71. dora Says:

    Great blog and great instructions. I look forward to trying out your pattern making techniques…I have been wanting to learn…but it’s difficult to do it on my own. Your seems to be a great resource.
    Thanks for all your work on this.

  72. Ty Says:

    Thanks, I have sewn some things for myself from your site, and I havent started yet, great thanks. Please could you do a dressy jacket pattern, you know, the one thats shapely and can be worn with casual elegance.When should we expect the April project, you are awesome. I visit everyday.

  73. Lucy Says:

    Got your link from BurdaStyle…I’m thrilled! I’m not an expert seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, but do put things together intuitively (usually sans pattern or instructions) so your tutorials are perfect! You’ve definitely been bookmarked and have my deepest appreciation for everything you’ve posted.

  74. Noelle Says:

    I also came from the Burda site, and have sat here happily scrolling through all your entries. Thank you so much for posting your tutorials: I may not be the same shape as any of the models (well, apart from one of the handbags, perhaps) but you make the process of adapting very straightforward. Bookmarked!

  75. Priya Bhinde Says:


    I liked your blog and so I have stumbled up it as my favorite.

    Good work!!

    God Bless,

  76. rosannaho Says:

    i absolutely LOVE your blog. i don’t know why it look me so long to find it!! was wondering, do you have any really patterns for summer tops?

  77. nehmah Says:

    Hi, I hope you are OK. You have been so generous to all of us, I just hope things are going well for you. (I am a worrywort, and not about to change!) Nehmah

  78. Claire DÉ Says:

    I don’t remember if I did thank you… I intended to do so since I’ve discovered your site. A gazillion Thanks!
    I’d like to show you the handkerchief skirt I made from your sooooooo generous explanations, but I don’t know how…
    Again, and again, and again: thank you.

  79. Sylvie Says:

    I just found your site and I love it…thanks for all the patterns…I was wondering do you have a newsletter that would tell us when there’s something new on your site? Keep up the good work and I will be back for sure. Thanks

  80. mamati Says:

    WOW Thank you so much for blogging 🙂
    I found your site to be filled with tutorials and patterns 2 things that sewists like to see.

    You have a great blog here and i have added you to my favorites

  81. Verene Says:

    Your site is the best. Made a couple of things off it so far and have quite a lot more to work myself thru.
    When I wear them people swear I paid big bucks for them….. I just laugh and nod. Just kidding, I fess up pretty quickly.
    Continue doing what ure doing, many thanx

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Great Verene, make it your own.

      1. Falguni Mehta Says:

        Hi! It’s Excellent site. so much knowledge get from your site. thank u very much…..


        Falguni Mehta

  82. buki Says:

    This is the best blog ever. As a designer i find it very useful and the instructions quite helpful…keep up the good work. Can you please include catwalk dresses or if you would accept requests…

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thx for the kind words….everyone is a designer; I’m just showing people how to execute it.

  83. Maria Says:

    hi! thanks for having a website like this. i’m just a self-studying novice in sewing and your site really helps me a looooot!!!!!! 🙂

    i just finished the island flouncer and posted it on my blog. i made some modifications though to fit my built. 🙂

    thank you very much!

    God bless!

  84. April Says:

    Thank you so much for your site, I appreciate you taking the time to run it. I am very hard to fit and have found that making my own clothing is my only solution. I just started sewing seriously (business clothing, that is) after a 20-year hiatus, and have found your site extremely valuable.

    If you could find them, I would really like to see a couple of simple blouses that I could wear with a pencil skirt and jacket for work but aren’t too fussy to wear with jeans and a casual little swing jacket.

    You have a wonderful site, thanks again for sharing your knowledge!

  85. Sholpan Abdi Says:

    I love this site so much!!! The patterns r easy to make n you inspire me to create!!!
    With love from Kazakhstan

  86. nehmah Says:

    Good morning, May I have permission to list your “wkdesigner.wordpress.com” site on my blog at the above address? I am not linking to a specific pattern or draft; only giving a link to the site. These are adults; I won’t step into “Send me the XYZ pattern, and do it yesterday” trap. I won’t post the information unless and until you give permission. Let me know if you wish a specific tag noted. Cordially, Nehmah

  87. Leah Taylor Says:

    Hello, I would love to subscribe to your blog but I can’t find an RSS / subscribe link?? Sorry if I am being dense… if you can point me in the right direction that would be great! Thanks!

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Sorry Leah, there is no RSS link. This is it.

  88. Kate Says:

    Great ideas and quality construction and design. You are talented and gifted in your ability to share your expertise with all of us. I have been sewing for over 30 years and your site reminds me not to be intimidated to draft my own pattern!! Poochas Gracias!

  89. Elizabeth Says:

    Hi! I absolutely love this site! C;
    I was just wondering if we could suggest something to make. For a while I’ve really wanted to figure out how to make some simple cuffed shorts. So if you could perhaps do an entry on cuffed shorts (( or shorts in general )) I would really appreciate it.
    Thanks for making such a cool and inspiring site!
    Elizabeth [:

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thx….I’ll see what I can do, Elizabeth.

      1. Elizabeth Says:

        Thank you! So very much appreciated. ❤

  90. share Says:

    this is the most wonderful site! keep up the patterns, they are perfect. this is the best stuff since peanut butter –

  91. Josh Patel Says:

    Hi Don,
    I love your site..there are many interesting stuff ..some really great ideas.Keep up the good work. Just stumbled and submitted your site to http://Viralogy.com. Hope you get some great traffic from it. Your blog is here http://www.viralogy.com/blogs/my/6630

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thx Josh for the referral and link.

  92. Stepanka Says:

    Hi Don,

    thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Everything is wonderfully and clearly explained and the pictures are fantastic.
    I am simply over the moon:)


  93. Stepanka Says:

    Hi Don,

    would it be possible to do a ‘how to’ on creating some simple pattern for bias cut clothing.

    Thank you so much again.


  94. Sarah Says:

    Hey i love this site!Your one awesome dude, and generous.I have a question: when you say to square away from a point, what exactly do you mean? Like, do i just draw a straight line out from all sides of the point?thanks again for providing this goodness!

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      The term “square” means to make a 90 degree or right-angle. Use a 45/90 set square to do this. Place one edge of the set square on the line you want to “square” from with the 90 degree corner on the start point and draw in the line along the opposite edge of the set square.

  95. andreia Says:

    hey i really really enjoy this site..it inspirates me to do stuff! since school is starting soon i was wondering if you have a messenger bag pattern? i’d really love to make one for myself!

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      thx Andreia… if I can find a good example I’ll see what I can do regarding a pattern.

  96. rob Says:

    i love your site. it is one of the most helpful ones i’ve seen.

    any ideas on how to make a cardigan?
    that would be greatly appreciated.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      thx Rob….most cardigans are knitted but if I can find a good example of a woven one I’ll see what I can do as far as a pattern is concerned.

  97. Alizwa Says:

    Bloody amazing blog.
    Thank you for sharing.

  98. Patti Says:

    You have developed the most amazing blog I have come across! I am constantly on the lookout for pattern making information on the web, so bravo to you Don for sharing your expertise. I belong to a group of women who not only have a love of sewing, but drafting our own patterns as well. This will be high on my list of topics to share with them at our next monthly meeting. By the way, I found your blog on Friday and have drafted two of your patterns. It will be interesting to see the fit once I get them cut out and put together! Thanks for everything.
    Patti (a former Torontonian)

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thx for the kind words, Patti.

  99. In an effort to bring more honor and recognition to pattern designers everywhere, we are hosting Pattern Design 2009 in San Francisco, October 2-4, 2009. See: http://www.CenterforPatternDesign.org for details!

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thx Sandra…I appreciate the information.

  100. sel Says:

    Hi, I love your blog and look forward to the day when my sewing skills are up to scratch so that I dare venture a sewing pattern.

    But until then, can I link your blog to mine?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Being that this is a patterndrafting tutorial, I wouldn’t let my sewing skills deter me. Here is an idea: barter. Buddy up with a friend who does sew; you draft the patterns for her and you; in return she will sew them up and you can assist her to gain more knowledge for your sewing skills. Win-win!

  101. Colette Says:

    I am addicted to your site. Thanks for the inspiration and the confidence building. Love, love love it!

  102. toyin babs-alli Says:

    Thanks for the tip, all of them and you have inspired a lot of us, but does your 100th post mean you are taking the blog off. It is my reference point, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont take it off. I havee never found any blog site that is simple enough for me to understand, call me dense I dont mind but please—-

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thank you, Alli. It is time for me to move onto new projects.

      1. toyin babs-alli Says:

        I understand, but I need to know if all the projects will remain or they’ll be taken off. I usually go to them if I need to make some of them and I am lost without them. So whats it going to be… sorry if this is a bother.

      2. wkdesigner Says:

        I’ll leave the pattern making tutorials up as long as WordPress allows me.

      3. John Says:

        That’s Great!…I love the site and would hate to see this reference lost. I’ll try to save/print the webpages if I can so I know I’ll not lose them in case WordPress shuts it down. Thanks for your hard work and sharing your knowledge

      4. Don Says:

        Thanks John

  103. Maja Says:

    Dear Don,

    It was my advantage to find out your website. Here in Serbia we have a lot of young followers of what you do. For me, it was an adventure and believe me a morning necessity to look in it and see if there is something new. Besides sawing (I started in teen-age period and got from my parents one new Singer) I am also interested in knitting and crocheting, in fact a mixture of all that. You were helpful for me as I found out that sometimes it is very simply to make a pattern. It would be very good if you continue your work. Or, perhaps to make an web book on sawing and instructions how to…I am very much interested in publishing a book about some ever lasting thing which every woman can make for herself (small black cocktail dress, plain skirt, pants etc.)

    Anyway, thank you so much for discovering all of us some secrets and tips.

    Please think on continuing your website, you will make so many people happy !!!

    Very, very kind regards, Maja Medic from Belgrade, Serbia

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thank you, Maja for the kind words. It is a shame that sewing, knitting, crochet, etc. are seen as “domestic” work and not valued for what they truly are: creative vocations. These skills are rarely taught to the younger generation today (once known as family studies/home economics) and have been replaced by other popular interests. Even pattern drafting has its modern adaptations like CAD software. You have to remember however that these are only tools and methods. The real creativity is being able to execute these creative visions and make them reality.

  104. Penny Says:

    Thank you for the education and inspirations. You will be missed.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thank you, Penny.

  105. georgeina Says:

    great site. i hope to make use of your clear explanations in my bid to clear my stash and carry on sewing.

    thanks a million for sharing your BIG knowledge.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thank you, Georgeina

  106. Nan Says:

    Love your site! I am trying to learn pattern drafting, do you teach somewhere? Your approach is clear and straightforward.

    1. wkdesigner Says:

      Thank you, Nan….I teach design training at George Brown College in Toronto, Canada.

  107. suzanne Says:

    Thank you very much for all the gorgious things you let on your blog.I am a french woman , sometimes it was rather “hard” for me to translate but I have improved my english!. I made twice the week en bag thank you

    1. Don Says:

      Thank you…merci Suzanne….vous pouvez toujours le dire en français.

  108. Reya Says:

    Hi Don,
    Dont really know how I found your blog today 😀 Like many others probably by a coincidence… I am 66 years and am sewing/knitting etc etc since I was a kid.I have found lots of great ideas here.
    Big thanks and congrats for this inspirational site and also for sharing all this with us.
    Greetings from Istanbul-Turkey

    1. Don Says:

      Thank you, Reya.

  109. Shelley Says:

    Hi Don,

    What an amazing “tutorial blog” you have. Sorry I didn’t find it before now! I have sewn for years (since my Dad bought me a Necchi sewing machine at an auction in the 1960″s when I was ll–it weighed twice what I did). Thanks for finally making sense of patternmaking–you taught me not just how to draft your pattern, but how to apply that knowledge to any design I choose.
    What an awesome and generous spirit you are, Don. Best of luck in whatever you endeavor next. Hope you share it with us.

    1. Don Says:

      Thank you Shelley.

      1. Shelley Says:

        Hooray! Just checked back in–you’re starting up another blog! I will check for it. Will it be on WordPress? I do intend to start drafting several of the patterns I saved after the 1st of the year. Will send photos of the efforts. Happy Holidays.

  110. Anna Says:

    this is amazing! ❤

    1. Don Says:

      Thx Anna

  111. ScienceGeek Says:

    Don, I have only just discovered your blog, and before I settle in and start learning all the techniques you’ve outlined so well, I just want to say thank you.
    I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise, and what must have been a huge effort in creating all those diagrams and instructions.
    I look forward to your next blogging adventure!

  112. Linley Says:

    Hi Don

    I’m in the process of writing an e-book on hat making. With your permission I would like to include your Cloche Hat pattern and links to your blog please?


  113. Simona Says:


    I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago, as I was looking for a pattern for a dress. I was sad to see that you made your final entry in August.

    Now, I’ve seen you have a new project, can’t wait to see what you come up with, I sure it will be very interesting and helpful.

    Thank you.

  114. nasreen Says:

    It was a pleasent surprise when I found this site.I was looking for a jean pattern as I am a pattern maker. Keep it up and sure I will visit this site often. I would like to get jacket pattern for men and woman.


  115. toyin babs-alli Says:

    Hi Don.I am overjoyed to read that you are starting a new project to help novices like me. You see, I am a christian and I believe the words of the Bible. It says “He who waters shall surely be watered” and “the liberal soul shall be made fat”. Those are my prayers for you, you will not lack any good thing. Keep up the good work.

  116. Jennifer Says:

    Oh wow! Your site is amazing! I’ve spent the past two days gorging myself on your amazing tutorials. I have five little girls and using the techniques you’ve shown here, I can adapt almost all of these designs into clothes for them!

    Thank you so much for all your hard work!! I can’t wait to see what your next endeavor brings.

  117. Anke Says:

    Great Blog- Thank you for doing this

  118. Amy Says:

    You are my pattern-making idol!! I seriously love your site, thank you so very much ❤

  119. nasreen Says:


    I need size specs for jeans men’s and ladies regular and loose fit.
    Can somebody please help me.

  120. Laurel T Says:

    Sorry if you get a ton of requests like this. But a really great friend of mine, my best friend in fact- has started a sewing blog. She is learning to sew, working on vintage patterns and she has been really excited about it but does not have any followers on her blog other than myself and her sister. She is sort of bumming about it.

    I am trying to surprise her by attempting to draw some attention to her little corner of the web.

    If you have a free moment, her website is:


    Just pop in and say hi? Thanks!


  121. maria Says:

    i like to register with you but dont know how.
    I am from malta.This is very interesthing website and very helpful.
    thank you
    looking forward
    best regards


  122. you should flip your comments so that the most recent appear at the top

  123. tony Says:

    This is a great site, and I have found it very useful for my garment making. Thank you so much for that. I have been making pants for some time now and have one question I was hoping you might be able to advise me on: Is there some kind of secret to attaching the waist-band to pants? I like my pants to be a bit high-waisted in the back and it’s always quite a stretch for the linear waist-band-piece to curve up and around, do you have any advice?

    Thanks again, tony

  124. sofie Says:

    I always thinking sewing n learning pattern maker is difficult, but from now on because your blog, I want to keep fighting learn \(^^)/

  125. Ines Says:

    Hey Don, i have some questions due to the pattern of the halter gown… do you have an e-mail adress, so that i can ask you? I haven’t found….

    What a great dress!!!! What a wonderful blog!!!

    Thumbs up!!

  126. catrinam Says:

    Dear Don, Awesome site! Can you possibly do a pattern for the peach Halston heritage one shoulder mini caftan dress from SATC2 at all pretty please???? Catrina.

  127. Lorraine Says:

    Came across your site via Stuart Anderson at Pattern School Australia. I’m in UK so feel as if I’ve travelled round the world. To the point – found Duffle Totes pattern. Is it copyrighted? I ask as I make patterns for a very small start-up enterprise catering for female triathletes (novice level & improvers rather than elite/professional) and this sort of thing would make a useful additional accessory with printed/embroidered logo.

    1. Don Says:

      Hi Lorraine… The patterns are created by me and I provide them as a guide to creating your own designs. They are not intended for commercial use for profit however this is a common duffle tote pattern and does not fall into any copyright category though credit should be given for your source. Feel free to use it as a base for your design and change it as much as your want. Any published material should reference Weekend Designer.

  128. bc Says:

    u r d best

  129. Terri Says:

    I found your blog yesterday. I do hope you leave it open!! I have bookmarked it and will visit it often!!

  130. UNONUarts Says:

    Wonderful stumble-upon of a find.

    Hope you have much success in your artistic endeavors.

    Check my work whenever you can…

  131. Anita Says:

    WOW! Just came across you sites. So impressive. Love the detail for the patterns. This will definitely encourage others to be more adventuresome in their sewing creations. Thanks so much for sharing your gift with others: may you be abundantly blessed.

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