Jammin’ jammers for the budding beach bum.

You will need:

  • 1-5/8 yds. of fashion fabric, 45″ wide
  • 1-1/4 yds. of waistband elastic, 1 ½ ” wide
  • 1-1/2 yds. of cable cord, 1″ thickness
  • 1 VelcroTM tab
  • Coordinating thread


Measure hip about 9″ below the natural waistline and around the fullest part of the seat. Finished length is approximately 22″ (knee length).


Cut 2X self on straight grain of fabric. Save crotch cut-out for pocket.


  1. Take one piece of crotch cut-out and turn under top edge 2″. Press. Centre hook side of VelcroTM tab (just below the foldline)  with pocket right side up. Stitch around the tab. Turn top edge 2″ again.  Press.  Topstitch facing of pocket below the tab.
  2. Turn under ½” seam allowance around perimeter of pocket rounding the “corners”. Press. (NOTE: The pocket opening should measure at least 5″ minimum for functional use.)
  3. Place pocket on placement line (black dots) on back of right-hand side piece. Align the loop side of the VelcroTM tab with the pocket tab. Stitch loop tab in place to pant. Match up hook to loop and fasten together. Pin/baste edges of pocket to pant. Topstitch pocket edges.
  4. Layer fabric with right sides together, and stitch crotch seam using ½” seam allowance.
  5. Match front side seam with back side seam on each leg, with right sides together. Pin/baste seam. Stitch side seam and press open.
  6. At waist, turn under ½” and press. Turn under 2″ to create a casing. Topstitch along top and bottom of inside edge of the turn.
  7. Cut waistband elastic equal to your waist measurement less 3″.
  8. Carefully remove stitches at CF between the 2 topstitching lines on the casing (see red dots) to create an opening. Draw elastic through casing without twisting elastic.
  9. To join elastic, butt ends of elastic over a piece of fabric cut twice the width of the elastic. Wrap elastic with fabric scrap. Zigzag-stitch the ends of elastic to fabric scrap. This method eliminates bulk in elastic and works to prevent frayed ends from protruding.
  10. Thread cable cording through casing on top of elastic. Knot cord ends.
  11. Hem leg bottoms with a ½” double rolled hem.