Travelling through the urban jungle isn’t like dustin’ crops, buddy! For one thing, you’ve got to make sure you’ve got all your gear with you. You’ve got a cell-phone, iPod, headphones, keys, wallet, sunglasses… Before you know it, your pockets are bulging, and you’ve got nowhere to hook your thumbs and look cool.

I’ve found this awesome holster that hold lots of gadgets, and keeps them readily available. You never know when you’ll need to grab your cellphone, iPod, wallet, keys, headphones, pen, whatever… so make sure they were right at the ready to go. The pattern is easy and the fabrication is simple.

You will need:

  • 1 yd. of cotton poplin or duck, 60″ wide
  • 5/8 yd. of fusible interfacing, 60″ wide
  • 1 closed  8″ coil zipper
  • 1 square ring, 2″ diameter
  • 1 slider, 2″ diameter
  • 1 dome snap set, 3/4″ diameter
  • 30″ of  cable cord, ¼” thickness
  • Coordinating thread



Cut ring tab and wallet #5 2X and cut all remaining pieces 1X in fabric.

Cut all pieces 1X in fusible interfacing.

Cut 30″ of  1 ¼” wide bias binding for piping.


  1. Make up piping trim with bias strip and cable cord using a zipper or cording foot.
  2. Iron the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of all fabric pieces except 1 wallet piece (#5),  following the manufacturer’s directions.
  3. For the cell latch (1), fold right sides together and stitch long edge and one short end using ½” seam allowance. Grade and trim corner. Turn right side out. Press.
  4. Topstitch around the perimeter. Attach top part of dome snap as illustrated, following manufacturer’s directions.
  5. For cell pocket (2), sew each miter corner using ½” seam allowance. Trim.
  6. With right side together, fold pocket in half and align corners one on top each other.
  7. Sew along the raw edge, leaving an opening on one side for turning. Trim and grade seams.
  8. Turn right side out and press finished edge. Attach bottom part of dome snap as illustrated, following manufacturer’s directions.
  9. For ring tab (3), layer both pieces with right sides together. Sew along both shaped sides using ½” seam allowance. Trim and grade seams (the center should be 2″ wide). Turn right side out and press. Topstitch along finished seams.
  10. For wallet, turn under straight top edge of one piece of #5 and stitch down. Layer this piece with the second #5 piece to create a pocket. Baste outer edges together.  Attach top (4) and bottom (5) together, then topstitch this seam.  Apply corded piping to outer edge. (clip the piping in the corners to release the buckling).
  11. Attach zipper around top edge of the face of the wallet, next to the piping. Start midway up side, over the top, and down the opposite side.
  12. For the wallet side (6), fold strip in half with right side together and sew up short ends using ½” seam allowance. Press seam open.
  13. Fold “loop” in half with wrong sides together and match up raw edges. Baste together.
  14. Press the folded edge.
  15. Pin and baste raw edge of wallet side (6) to zipper and remaining wallet front (4-5) along the piped edge.  Sew wallet side (6) close to zipper through all layers using a zipper foot and continue around the face of the wallet section.
  16. For the holster shoulder strap (7), fold the fabric with right sides together and pin/baste the long edge. Stitch across both short ends and the long edge leaving 5″ opening for turning using ½” seam allowance. Grade and trim corners.
  17. Turn right side out. Press. Topstitch around the perimeter.
  18. Wrap ring tab (3) around 2″ square ring.
  19. Position the holster strap face up with the folded edge of the strap to the left.
  20. Place the wallet on the wide end of the holster strap. Pin in place. Sandwich the ring tab (3) between the wallet and the strap midway between zipper and bottom of wallet. Baste the wallet in place. Edgestitch through all layers around pressed edge of wallet.
  21. From top of wallet, measure upward 6 inches. Center cell latch (1) on holster strap face down. Sew across unfinished short end. Trim.
  22. From top of wallet, measure upward 3 inches. Center cell pocket (2) on holster strap. Pin/baste and edgestitch around finished edge being certain to catch the turn opening in the seam stitching.
  23. Apply 2″ slider to narrow end of holster strap. Insert narrow end of strap through the square ring and back on itself to the slider. Tack ends in place.